Brass on the Grass

Monday, 16 August 2021 17:42

Sarah (my wife) plays 3rd Cornet. She is never late for anything. Fact.

However; she has a terrible sense of direction. As anyone in the band and they will tell you (she made the mistake once of asking if she needed a pound to cross the Thames to drive to Stevenage from Fairlop) When you combine that fact with the knowledge that our car satellite navigation system currently thinks our car is somewhere off the coast of Sweden (thanks Skoda), and a sudden and very temporary road closure in Ongar sending a diversion up the road to Chelmsford, with Sarah alone in the car. You have a disaster.

She arrived late, (but well before the performance). And understandably fed up. But quickly took her place. Breathed deeply and got into her calm headspace for the concert.

And what a concert. Over 200 people packed the vicaridge lawn to witness Fairlop's comeback performance. The band had not performed publically (as a band) for well over a year and had just 4 practices to prepare, but they produced an amazingly warm sound to carry across the garden to a very appreciative audience.

It was good to see a few new faces in the band and audience. It is always a pleasure to see players enjoying their talents and audiences appreciating them.

Looking around, it was a typical English country scene, with families reconnecting, and friends chatting and everyone enjoying a sun kissed afternoon of Brass Music and laughter (and a dance or two). 

Fairlop was back. Smiles were seen. Sarah was there. All was good.