Privacy Statement
Fairlop Brass Band is a small amateur band. We do not have a vast database of followers and we do not sell anything directly on the internet. You may notice that we use a secure site anyway. This is to increase our 'Google' rating and to ensure end to end encryption for your peace of mind.
Your privacy is of course of the upmost importance to us. We do have a mailing list which is secured on a private home computer in an encrypted file and is only used for email addresses. We can assure you that we never sell on any email addresses, and all emails sent out are sent anonymously ensuring that your email address is not seen by anyone else receiving the same mailing.
The Fairlop blog uses a Disqus comment engine. Since we are just an amateur group it is not possible for us to set up our own comment sharing platform. Disqus has it's own privay policy that we encourage you to read first.
GDPR: From 25th May 2018 the EU introduced laws on how we regulate communications (in order to ensure you are not bombarded with emails you do not want). At that time we emailed all on our mailing list for a response. Those that did not respond were taken from the list.
If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at