August 2024 – A month to remember

Historically, August is usually a pretty quiet month for the Band, but not this year, it was a month to remember!

At the start of the month a group of over 40 players, ex-players and supporters headed to The Netherlands for a tour we never expected to make. Our tour to Belgium in 2022 was expected to be our last tour, so this one (our 6th European Tour) was dubbed the last, last tour.

It was a long journey with fog over the English Channel slowing the ferry crossing, then we encountered a huge M25 type traffic jam around Rotterdam. A late arrival at our hotel required a planned rehearsal to be moved to the next morning. After a short rehearsal, on the Saturday morning, we had free time in the wonderful seaside town of Noordwijk before we all met for lunch and set off for our evening concert in a Church in Utrecht. We had some free time to explore this lovely city before assembling to rehearse in the Church and give a truly wonderful concert to a very appreciative audience.

The next day we were on the coach again straight after breakfast to head to Delft for a lunchtime concert. We set up in the market square in front of bars and restaurants with 100’s of people eating and drinking as a captive audience. Once the Band started playing the numbers swelled as we attracted a bigger crowd who were entranced by an English Brass Band playing in their city. After the concert, we had an entertaining and informative canal cruise around this gorgeous city, before enjoying some free time and heading back to our coach for the short journey home and dinner.

Our last full day saw most of the group journey into Amsterdam for a day of sightseeing and optional canal cruise, whilst some opted to enjoy the facilities of our excellent resort and spend the day by the beautiful beach.

It was an early start the next day for our journey home which proved to be much smoother than our journey out.

All in all, it was an excellent tour with a great hotel, fantastic staff and food and the added bonus of our Tour Manager Matt, who came out of summer retirement as he was so impressed with us as a group in Belgium, was the icing on the cake! Once again, we must thank Sheila Ellis for her organisation of this tour, her skills make things so much easier for us.

A couple of weeks after the tour, we were privileged to be one of the Bands to be part of the August lunchtime Concert Season at Westminster Abbey Gardens.

In the wonderful setting of the gardens, the Band played to a fluctuating audience of 300 to 400 hundred (some local workers come for an hour to enjoy their lunch, and tourists are often on a time schedule). The Band drew much praise for their playing and the choice of music. Obviously, the concert was a logistical challenge as it was a “workday” for some and transporting instruments etc. into the centre of London posed many challenges, but in the end, it was truly worth it as this was a day that will live long in our memories.

Our summer season ended with the Band playing at the Wedding after-party for Eb Bass player James Rogers and his new wife Alissa. Married a few weeks earlier in York, the couple held this party for friends and family to celebrate their big day. Highlight of the evening was Alissa stepping forward (or maybe being dragged forward) to conduct the Band. She confirmed she will not be seeking to replace me any time soon.

We now turn our attention to our Autumn and Winter programme which will start on Sunday 20th October with “Sunday at the Movies” at Theydon Bois Village Hall at 3pm. It will be a programme packed with great film music and will be very popular. Ticket details will be issued soon but please book early as we expect tickets to sell out very quickly.

Once again, thank you for your support.

Kevin Jordan
Musical Director
Fairlop Brass